South Carolina Chapter of ACDIS
Vendor Policy
Reviewed Date: 10/2023
1. The South Carolina Chapter of ACDIS does not formally endorse any sponsor or participating vendor. Sponsorship of the South Carolina Chapter of ACDIS in no way implies endorsement from National ACDIS nor any obligations on behalf of either National ACDIS or the sponsor.
2. The South Carolina Chapter of ACDIS welcomes full vendor sponsorship of our meetings, including full participation and attendance. Sponsorship allows vendors' access to attendees in return for a set financial contribution to offset meeting expenses.
3. The South Carolina Chapter of ACDIS welcomes vendors to present content driven sessions at our meetings.
4. The South Carolina Chapter of ACDIS maintains a log of vendor involvement that includes:
a. Name of company
b. Name of company contact
c. Contact email, phone and mailing address
d. Nature of involvement
I. If sponsor, description and estimated cost of donation
II. If speaker, description of content
e. Date of Vendor participation
5. The South Carolina Chapter of ACDIS shall communicate the vendor log as outlined above to the National ACDIS Associate Director via email.